CMS Annual Fund Raising

Colorado Muslim Society

2071 South Parker Road, Denver, CO, USA
Raised of $200,000
100% secure payments

In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

Ramadan Kareem and welcome to the Colorado Muslim Society (CMS) - Masjid Abubakr. The largest and oldest Masjid in the Rock Mountain region. The mosque is located in the heart of Denver. The CMS serves a community of more than 15,000 Muslims in the Denver metro area. The center offers a place to pray, Islamic schools, marriage services, funeral services, Qur'anic teachings, Arabic lessons and more. We are open to all who wish to develop a closer relationship with Allah.

As we approach the last ten days of Ramadan and our annual fund raising coming upon us on te 27th of Ramadan, we are making a humble appeal to help this sacred house of worship. Currently our parking lot is in dire need of repair and pavement (as this has not been done since 2004 when the Phase 2 project was completed). Any delay in completing this project will cause CMS more costs to be incurred as far as future maintenance is concerned. The Masjid Dome in the main prayer hall is also in similar need for service and repair. Both of these items require our urgent attention and need for servicing. Please help us reach our goal and any amount you give in this blessed month of Ramadan will be multiplied many times fold.

Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) narrated, "The Prophet (SAW) was the most generous of all persons, and he used to be more generous in the month of Ramadan when he met Jibril (AS). Jibril (AS) used to meet him every night in the Ramadan, and he (the prophet) would be more generous in goodness than the winds that blow." (Sahih Al Bukhari).

Sadaqah (Charity) given in the blessed month of Ramadan is exceptionally rewarding, and the rewards for these are doubled and increased manifold. It is so because Ramadan is the month of Khairaat (goodness) and Barakat (blessings), and every good deed brings a huge amount of rewards and is multiplied many times no matter how small it is.

20 Donors
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