Support Your Masjid


103-107 Belgrave Road, Ilford, UK
Raised of £100,000
100% secure payments

Creating a brighter tomorrow 

We are in urgent need of £433 to pay for our Masjid's Local Community Centre. 


The Community Centre is being used for a wide range activities catered for all age groups, as well as creating a safe space for our children and elderly. By partnering with various organisations, the below activities are held throughout the week:

Boxing, Fitness classes, MMA, weekly gathering for over 60's, bereavement counselling, ghusl workshop for women and free yoga classes. 

For the past 3 years we have also had short Surah Taraweeh which gives our kids our future a chance to lead Salah and demonstrate their hard work.  The centre also gives a safe space for our children to come and play. 

418 Donors
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