Quick and accurate prayer timetables
  • Would you like to keep the simplicity of the paper format? We offer you the ability to create customisable and printable PDF calendars that can be downloaded online. It's a simple way of reaching out to your worshippers who are not yet digitally connected ... or even nostalgic!
  • Click below to register. Then, you can choose from our list of calculation methods or your own for the timetable, and your calendar will be ready in minutes.
Tokyo Camii
Tokyo CamiiJAPAN
UK Islamic Mission
Islamic Society of North America
Islamic Society of North AmericaCANADA
Association Islamique de Luxembourg
Association Islamique de LuxembourgLUXEMBOURG
to go templates
  • Don't want to spend too much time? We already have pre-made templates waiting for you to choose from, such as...
  • Annual athan timetables
  • Athan & iqamah timetables
  • Ramadan timetables
  • You can easily add your own logo, contact information, and any other relevant details you think is important either on the side or the bottom of every page.
the calendar yours
  • Would you like an even better-looking calendar that fits your image? Our calendars are pretty customisable. You can choose...
  • The layout (single or multiple columns)
  • Colors
  • And even the displayed image
  • Which easily allows you to make the calendar suit your mosque's unique branding.
Screens customization
Yes, we do support
your language
  • if not now, it will be tomorrow!
  • contact our team, and we will add it to our growing list!
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Hear what others have to say about us

We are working tirelessly for the sake of our shared community, and we've already helped thousands of mosques just like yours to make their day easier.

Masjidbox is amazing and our congregation loves it , it's so easy to display announcements in different languages and it's a quick and easy way of informing the congregation of the prayer times.

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Mohammadi Masjid Alum RockUnited Kingdom

Absolutely love this application! The team behind it is super helpful and responsive and they are continuously updating and making it better. I would definitely recommend this for your masjid!

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Noor Islamic Cultural CenterUnited States

Masjidbox is one of the best solutions we have ever used. We thank a lot the Masjidbox team for their solutions and for their awesome customer support.

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Ministry of Awqaf & Islamic AffairsQatar

We joined Masjidbox because we believe they can aid us in reaching wider audiences, for example via the mobile app. They are trustworthy, have good intentions and want the best for us

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Sultan Bahu BradfordUnited Kingdom

The masjid box app has helped users connect with the masjid and keep up to date with Salah times.

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Masjid e UmerUnited Kingdom

Masjidbox is amazing and our congregation loves it , it's so easy to display announcements in different languages and it's a quick and easy way of informing the congregation of the prayer times.

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Mohammadi Masjid Alum RockUnited Kingdom