- You can access the prayer times of mosques worldwide, watch their live-streamed conferences and events, or listen to Quran reciters on your home TV
the calls for prayer
- Are you afraid you might miss a prayer ?
- Don't worry. You will be notified whenever a call to prayer from your chosen mosque gets close.
- The mosque hosts a conference that you're unable to attend? If your chosen masjid is affiliated with us, you can livestream their prayers and sermons.
a library of knowledge
- Are you curious about specific topics or want to learn more about Islam?
- Tune in to each mosque's series of pre-recorded videos to hear what they have to say!
- Or refresh your knowledge by listening to Quran by renowned reciters whenever you wish.
to your heart's content
- Summary :
- You can choose your own notification preferences
- colors
- list of followed mosques
- and even the type of content you'd like to see

your language
- if not now, it will be tomorrow!
- contact our team, and we will add it to our growing list!
Hear what others have to say about us
We are working tirelessly for the sake of our shared community, and we've already helped thousands of mosques just like yours to make their day easier.Our community loves the Masjidbox app! It's beautiful, easy to use, and highly customisable. The children have even started memorising the Quranic verses displayed throughout the day. We absolutely recommend it for all Masjids. It's a great tool for any community.

We joined Masjidbox because we believe they can aid us in reaching wider audiences, for example via the mobile app. They are trustworthy, have good intentions and want the best for us

Masjidbox is amazing and our congregation loves it , it's so easy to display announcements in different languages and it's a quick and easy way of informing the congregation of the prayer times.

Extremely happy with Masjidbox. Amazing customer service from their team, always ready to listen and help! Easy setup and use for everyone. For Mosques that need any digital solutions, don't hesitate!

Absolutely love this application! The team behind it is super helpful and responsive and they are continuously updating and making it better. I would definitely recommend this for your masjid!

Our community loves the Masjidbox app! It's beautiful, easy to use, and highly customisable. The children have even started memorising the Quranic verses displayed throughout the day. We absolutely recommend it for all Masjids. It's a great tool for any community.